School Logo

St Louis Catholic Primary School

'We work together', 'We pray together', 'We grow together'

Get in touch


Welcome to our School.

Thank you for visiting our website, we hope you enjoy reading all about us! 


We are a Catholic Primary School in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.  Children at our school are aged from 4 to 11. We have a separate Nursery for 3 year olds. Although our school has expanded to a two form entry school we still retain a small, family atmosphere. We provide a friendly, nurturing environment where everyone knows each other and where our children flourish.


Children from a  wide variety of backgrounds and cultures get on well together and make our school community unique. High academic standards and our caring Catholic ethos mean that our school is one to be proud of. We were very pleased when all our hard work was recognised in March 2010 by Ofsted when we were judged to be an 'Outstanding' school. This has been followed by our RE inspection in September 2021, with another 'Outstanding' judgement.


We hope that you will be able to find everything you need on our website but if you can't, please contact our school office and we will be happy to help you.
