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St Louis Catholic Primary School

'We work together', 'We pray together', 'We grow together'

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COVID Catch Up Premium

Covid catch up funding

The provisional funding is for the academic year 2020-21.

The first payment covering September to November (3 months) was paid in October 2020.

The payment is based on pupil numbers as per the October 2019 census at a rate of £80 per pupil for maintained schools.

It is anticipated that the second payment from the DFE for December to March (4 months) will be paid in the spring term and will include any adjustments for pupil numbers based on the October 2020 census.

The remaining payment April-Aug (7 months) will be paid in the next financial year.

Please see the DFE website for allocation payments 

Please follow the link below to the school's report on how the catch up premium will be spent at St Louis.
